After the awards ceremony, the group of Mathcampers
went back to Random for a while, and on the walk there, I had the chance to
talk to Stephen Wolfram. His daughter was competing, and she’s MC12, so he was
trying to figure out when we were doing what and where we were going to be. We
talked a little bit about Olin (evidently he was on campus a couple of years
ago), which was really cool. Once we got to Random, GW, who lives there and
was MC ’09, ’10, ’12 and RSI ’11, gave a tour to the people who hadn’t spent
much time in Random. I sat in the kitchen with Brigitte on her floor and did
some Art of Problem Solving grading.
We met in Lobby 7 at 5:45 and gathered a group of
around 30 Mathcampers to go to Bertucci’s, a pizza place. I got to talk to some
people I haven’t seen for a while, and I had a really good calzone. We
definitely made good use of the Round Table Theorem (if there are n people
seated around a table, there is always room for an n+1st person).