Wednesday, November 18, 2015

SCOPE Stories Week 11: How Is It Almost The End?

Brief summary of SCOPE life since week 8: In week 9 we had a sprint review that didn't go as well as we would have liked and didn't generate particularly useful feedback. In week 10, we went to Boston Scientific and were able to do a co-design with our liaisons on our user interface, which was really exciting! Sadly, I was sick, so I didn't get to go.

Life right now: Midyear report. Sprint review presentation. Midyear report. Midyear presentation. Midyear report. SCOPE t-shirt design? Midyear report.

I'm in charge of our midyear report, and until Friday afternoon I'm pretty sure it'll be where I put a lot of my time.

The sprint review today went a lot better than the one two weeks ago. There were still parts of it that weren't great, but they're easier to fix, and we did a much better job getting the feedback we were seeking. We had also finally gotten some new mathematical progress to discuss!

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