Wednesday, April 27, 2016

SCOPE Week 26: Last SCOPE Wednesday

SCOPE isn't ending quite yet, but today was our last SCOPE Wednesday. Our final reports and our posters (one archival, two for SCOPE Summit) are due Friday, my team's presentation to our sponsor is on May 9th, and then SCOPE Summit is on May 10th.

We had some data analysis to finish up today still, and we put in an enormous amount of work on the report. There are still a few figures to add and a couple of paragraphs to write, and our report will come out to be around 80 pages of non-code material, plus a lot of code, raw and processed data, and a user guide for our user interface.

Even though SCOPE won't officially end for another two or so weeks, we're pretty much done; everything after this week is just talking about our work. I'll be posting a reflection on the full year once all of that is over. Right now, it's a relief to be so close to done. Do I wish we'd been able to do more technical work? Absolutely. If we'd had an additional month with the data, I think we would have had time to figure out what causes some of the discrepancies between our models and the data. But as it is, we can qualitatively (and in some cases quantitatively) say what's going on pretty well.

I'm happy with our report, and I glowed a little bit when our faculty advisor told us that our second draft was "overall really good." Our liaisons also seem happy with how far we got, though we'll see more about how Boston Scientific responds when we go there to present.

Goodnight git, goodnight stents,
Goodnight data discontent.
Goodnight model, goodnight slope,
Goodnight Wednesday, goodnight SCOPE.

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