Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Build a World of Foam

The third phase of UOCD is called "Develop." At this point, we have one or two ideas, and we're supposed to narrow down to one and take it all the way to a final model and a product poster. That final model is generally some form of a looks-like prototype. In class last Thursday, we talked about how to make that model.

The answer is lots and lots of foam and foam-core.

Two speakers came to class and talked to us in the auditorium. One was a designer at Continuum, and he showed us lots of pictures of various parts of Continuum's design process and of some of the models and prototypes they've built. Something that was really interesting for my team was seeing that they had built full-size models of hotel lobbies or restaurants out of foam-core and foam for a couple of projects. If we choose to go with the Puzzle Cafe, something like that is an option. (We've talked about maybe turning our workspace into part of the Puzzle Cafe.)

The part of class that I found more exciting, though, was when Beth Sullivan talked to us and did demonstrations. She's a well-known model maker in this part of the country, so she was mostly showing us how to work with foam and foam-core. This doesn't seem like it should be that complicated; we did a lot of work with foam-core for sketch models in Design Nature, and we've been making simple representations out of blue foam since Candidates' Weekend. The difference is knowing how to work with a material and knowing how to work well with it. We want the representations we do in this phase to be clean and accurate, so Beth talked to us about the grain of foam core, using a rabbit tool (which helps with nice corners in 3D objects), and how to cut basically anything out of blue foam using a hot wire cutter.

A lot of us left saying things like, "Can we be her when we grow up?" Beth was a lot of fun, and I felt like watching someone work with the hot wire cutter to make models of everything from a crinkle cut french fry to a hair dryer was really useful. When I heard people last year talking about this class period, I think what I heard was the 'in the auditorium the entire time' bit and not the 'but it was super awesome' bit, so I was really surprised to enjoy this session as much as I did.

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